Amanda Allan Remedies
An energetic approach to healing and building resilience
"In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy."
Albert Szent-Gyorgi, Medicine Nobel Prize winner 1937

My Story
In 2015, following some family crises, I was at an all time low. I had always been someone who easily became fearful and anxious, always living with some level of stress. Now, a series of events had taken me to crisis point and I could not see a light at the end of the tunnel. I felt powerless and lost.
This is the point where I first came into contact with energy medicine. Bach flower remedies to be specific. A wonderful practitioner put two drops onto my tongue and I walked out of her clinic, transformed: hopeful and empowered. I couldn’t believe what I had experienced, but I couldn’t deny it.
This began a journey into the magic of Energy Medicine that I am still on today. I have studied with and learnt from many wonderful teachers, primarily Donna Eden, the world-renowned healer and the creator of Eden Energy Medicine. I have become healthier, happier and more at peace and maybe most importantly, I feel empowered. Empowered to have a choice over my physical health, my emotional well-being, my vitality and my joy. I still get stressed and worried, that’s just life, but now I have tools to work with so I can move those emotions out of my body and come back into my balance.
During this process I also found my soul path: to help others empower themselves with the tools and techniques and the belief that they can take their health, their well-being and their joy into their own hands.

Energy Medicine
Energy medicine isn’t new. It is about healing within by engaging with the very stuff of life, our life-force, our energy. The ancient Chinese Medicine tradition calls it Chi, the Yogic tradition Prana. Undoubtedly our ancestors worked with it.
Now, modern Quantum science is supporting the understanding that everything is Energy. Our bodies are energy, our thoughts and emotions are energy. Other people’s energy affects us and our energy affect others. Our energy can get out of balance, stuck in negative patterns. It can also be moved, transformed and brought into balance enhancing our vitality, health and emotional well-being.
The key agent in this transformation is you. Healing comes from within. In this uncertain world, I believe it is valuable for every one of us to empower ourselves with the knowledge and tools we need to take control of our well-being.
How I can help you
I use a number of energy medicine modalities to support the health and well-being of my clients. I am fully qualified in the following specialisms and offer different routes depending on your requirements.
Eden Energy Medicine
In Eden Energy Medicine, ENERGY is the patient and ENERGY is the healer. By balancing our energies, we can strengthen our immune systems, increase resilience, reduce pain and enhance our mental clarity and emotional well-being. We will work together to discover where your energies have become imbalanced or compromised. Then, using techniques such as tapping, tracing, massage and holding acupressure points we will clear, balance and strengthen your energies bringing them back into a healthy flow. I say WE because YOU are the healer here. I am here to guide and empower you.
The sessions are 90-120 minutes long and the client remains fully clothed. At the end of the session, I give personalised homework (usually a video) with some simple exercises and techniques that you can do at home to continue your healing journey.
Learn more about Eden Energy Medicine and Donna Eden:

Energy Medicine Yoga
Energy Medicine Yoga (EMYoga) is a truly magical combination of traditional yoga and techniques from Eden Energy Medicine, that works to align and balance the energies of the body and turn on our natural healing ability.
EMYoga was created by Lauren Walker. a yoga teacher and student of Donna Eden, who saw the incredible healing potential in combining the two practices.
I am a qualified Hatha Yoga teacher and a qualified EMYoga teacher. I now teach EMYoga exclusively and find the combination of these wonderful practices to be hugely powerful.
My classes are in-person and on zoom, and are gentle and inclusive. I teach both chair based and mat based classes. I can also tailor a personalised yoga programme for an individual's unique needs.
Learn more about Lauren Walker and EMYoga:
Bach Flower Remedies
Bach Flower Remedies are natural, safe and powerful. They work by bringing the healing vibration of the plant into our energy field and restoring balance. Many have used the Rescue Remedy combination at times of stress to bring comfort and restore calm.
There are 38 individual remedies that can help restore emotional harmony depending on the unique needs of the client. The remedies help to release a wide range of negative emotions that we all feel from time to time: fear, despair, indecision, resentment, apathy, to name but a few. We will work together to find the remedies that will support you on your journey to a place of emotional balance.
As a qualified practitioner, I work one-on-one with clients and teach introductory classes to small groups.

Indian Head Massage
I use traditional Indian Head Massage techniques as well as techniques from Eden Energy Medicine to provide relief from stress and pain, to balance the body’s energy and promote deep relaxation. The treatment is performed with the client fully dressed and sitting comfortably and covers the upper back and shoulders,  head and face, arms and hands.
Classes & Consultations
I teach classes from my studio in the peaceful village of Priston near Bath.
EMYoga Classes
(contact me to be added to my WhatsApp group)
Monday 11-11.30 am Chair EMYoga in person
Wednesday 2-2.30 pm Chair EMYoga in person and zoom
Wednesday 5.30-6.45pm EMYoga Rest & Restore in person and zoom
Friday 11-11.30am Chair EMYoga in person
(If these times do not suit you I do record the classes by request.)
I also offer 1-2-1 Eden Energy Medicine consultations at a various times throughout the week by appointment
If you are curious and would like to know more about working with me, email me with any questions or to set up a 20 minute free zoom consultation. Alternatively you can call me on the number below.
You can also subscribe to my newsletters below.
07710 212190

Raising the vibration of the planet. One person at a time.
Donna Eden